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Earth Overshoot Day Deutschland 2024


Country Overshoot Days: Tracking Resource Consumption

Annual Publication and Significance

Country Overshoot Days, the dates on which national resource consumption exceeds the planet's capacity to regenerate, are published on January 1st of each year. These dates provide insights into the sustainability of each country's resource usage. By tracking these days, we can identify areas for improvement and strive towards a sustainable future.

Calculation and Implications

Overshoot Days are calculated using the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts, which measure a country's consumption of natural resources, including food, water, and energy, and compares it to its biocapacity, or the planet's ability to regenerate those resources. When consumption exceeds biocapacity, the country is in an ecological overshoot situation.

Notable Events and Announcements

Throughout the year, organizations like Earth Overshoot Day and the Global Footprint Network mark important milestones related to resource consumption. These events include:
  • Earth Overshoot Day Launch Event (July 2023)
  • Earth Overshoot Day Announcement (June 2023)
  • Earth Overshoot Day: Circular Businesses (2022)
The data and insights provided by these events help raise awareness about the importance of sustainable resource management and encourage individuals, businesses, and governments to take action. ```

The Content Architects

The Content Architects
